Welcome to Bridge Projects
The McCombs School of Business offers many classes that do projects in the community. Top McCombs faculty supervise student teams that work on business projects for clients.
These client projects give students a real-world learning experience and deliver measurable business value for client companies and organizations.
Both for-profit and non-profit companies are welcome to submit a project.
If you already have a UT EID account AND you have previously logged into the MAS/Bridge site, please:
1. Go to: https://secure.mccombs.utexas.edu/MAS/Bridge/Client/
2. Select the My Profile tab to update your profile or the Projects tab to update or request a project
If you already have a UT EID account AND this is your first time logging into the MAS/Bridge site, please:
1. Go to: https://secure.mccombs.utexas.edu/MAS/account_creation/BridgeEidRegistration.aspx
2. Follow the instructions provided on the website to complete the process.
If you do not already have a UT EID, please:
1. Go to https://secure.mccombs.utexas.edu/MAS/account_creation/BridgeAccountCreation.aspx and click on “Go to EID Account Creation site” at the bottom of the page.
2. Once you are on the UT EID account creation site, simply follow the instructions.
3. After you successfully create your UT EID, you will be asked to login using your new UT EID.
Submissions are considered at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters, and available project teams are limited by student enrollment.